Our Techniques
Here at Long Life Chiropractic & Wellness, we utilize a number of highly-effective adjusting techniques to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce misalignments and accompanying nervous system interference (subluxation). The approach we use is based on our clinical judgment and experience. The primary adjusting techniques we use include:
This system of analysis and adjusting utilizes a case history and leg checks but more primarily uses palpation, motion of the spinal segments, x-rays, and instrumentation to locate the subluxation. It takes into account biomechanics and the health/position of the disc as the primary area of dysfunction. Corrections are made through manual adjusting methods.
This analysis and adjusting technique utilizes a case history, leg checks, palpation, motion of spinal segments, and x-rays/instrumentation when needed to locate subluxations. A manual form of adjusting is used to correct misalignments and segmental joint dysfunction. It is the most widely used technique.
This system of analysis and adjusting uses biomechanics and spinal motion that utilizes stress views to determine loss of spinal function which is the core of the subluxation complex. A manual form of adjusting is used to correct misalignments with the primary concern being to restore biomechanics and spinal motion.
This analysis and adjusting technique uses a case history, palpation, motion of spinal segments, imaging/instrumentation when needed, and primarily leg checks to locate subluxations. It is a manual adjusting method that utilizes table drops to take up a lot of the force of the adjustment making the technique gentle for the patient.
Dr. Long also uses a variety of other techniques to help with analysis and adjusting when needed including but not limited to; Activator, Applied Kinesiology, SOT, Toggle, and the Sherman Package
If you’ve been to a chiropractor before and have been adjusted in a certain particular way, let Dr. Long know. Based on patient experience, clinical presentation, and evaluation, determination of the technique that gives the individual the best results will be used.